As an Individual Sales Agent
By joining as an individual sales agent:
- You will work as our spokesperson to those in your network who you think may need clipping path or photo enhancement services.
- All communications and transactions (technical support, sales, invoicing etc.) are made between the end user and Paragon Prepress.
- Clients will upload/download their files directly to/from Paragon Prepress server.
- You will receive 10% commission for the total sale from each customer you send to us for upto two years.
If you are a Sales Agency
By joining as a Sales Agency:
- You receive a TRADE discount price.
- You upload/download photos directly to/ from Paragon Prepress server or maintain your own server.
- All communications and transactions are made between you and the Clipping Path Specialist.
Simple recommendation opportunity:
In addition to the options above, Paragon Prepress also offers simple recommendation opportunities to those who don't actually want to join any program but can recommend us to their friends. This offer is to ensure that anybody who recommends us to someone doesn't lose the value of their advice.
Please email us to discuss your program at